One sided games

Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:55 pm
Current Club: UniSA

Re: One sided games

Post by UniSA »

Thanks for the comments guys. And to Chelsea, i can completely understand where you are coming from. The fact of the matter is that there are so many people that want to play with the uni it isnt funny. I still field enquiries weekly from players wanting to join. It isn't ideal to come straight out with 4 teams off the bat but we are just trying to cater for everyone and the underlying ethos of the club as that we are here for everyone no matter what your ability is.
In regards to the only 9 players last weekend, without going into too much detail there was a death in the family of some of the players and with which many around the club knew. This had a very dramatic effect on the mood of the club all week and completely understood if players didn't want to play. As i said in my last post it is usually the lowest teams that suffer when players are unavailable.
We are very happy that the CSL has opened their arms to us and look forward to to the next step of the journey for the club in this league.

Oh, and in regards to the comment about the ex Adel Uni Black players, that is completely misinformed and unwarrented (I know it wasnt a dig at them but still, setting facts straight). Reasons for them leaving that club are their own and if you want to discuss that then ask them. I have no previous connection to Uni Blacks and the way the club has been built and runs is all of my doing.

Good lulck for the season everyone, i look forward to many competitive matches and some good discussions on the forum.
dash riprock
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:48 am
Current Club: Soccer in General

Re: One sided games

Post by dash riprock »

Uni SA...I reckon thats the right attitude to have! Its great to have opportunities for everyone in the various communities to get a game and its the right direction for any league to develop the game... There are teams / people out there who would rather have the weaker teams 'vetted' which in plain speak is 'not allowed in'.
The current weaker teams WILL grow and improve over time but the initial plan should always to put them in Div 4 and let natural selection take it course (if they are good they will be promoted... if not they won't!).
Genuine C and D teams have to kept separate as much as possible;e from the one team clubs as the reality is that they are always hamstrung by having their better players taken by the B teams on a regular basis, making their teams variable to say the least.
At Mt Barker, we have a C team which is currently weak due to having a fair number of young players (a number of 17 year old) and a few of the older guys as well.. These youngsters will come good after a season or two playing at senior level and we are committed to giving these guys an opportunity to play the game up here in the Hills in a league that will allow them to develop. The big scores are a problem for us in keeping the guys morale at reasonable levels but they will always put out a team regardless of distance traveled, potential scorelines and squad ability. Bare with us guys and we will continue to add a bit of geographic variety to the league and welcome you all to the Cornerstone Oval!!
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