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Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:39 pm
by chelsea
i dont think Unley 3 want Windsor. Its more like Windsor want Unley 3. I have seen all the 4 teams left in patches through the year. Ranking order would be 1.Mercedes 2. Windsor. 3. Pembroke. 4 Unley (3). Unley (3) is not their week to week side as they are using players from B's and even maybe A's as some were not cup tied to the higher teams. Unley would want Pembroke. Tough match but their best chance to make final. The draw will determine alot but my wild guess is Windsor v Pembroke in final. Good luck to last 4.

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:37 pm
by Marechiaro17
Windsor vs Mercedes... massive game

Unley 3 vs Pembroke apparently both games at Burton.

Can anyone confirm

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:20 am
by pizza&beer
Yes, both games at Burton, Windsor v Mercedes 1pm - Pembroke v Unley 3pm

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:43 pm
by divineponytail
Wow what a match up, Chelsea: don't know why would rate Windsor 2nd to Mercs when they knocked them off last year but hey - we're all entitled to our opinion.

I think that the champs from Windsor can do it again but a lot of teams will do there best to not let this happen. Personally I think WGOS can do it again. They have the best team in the entire CSL league - it would take a supersonic team to knock off the geriatrics. Rumour has it if thier number 11 isn't playing then they aren't at full strength.

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:36 am
by chelsea
I have rated Windsor 2nd only on the basis that they dont get to play too many tough games in their league. This can be either a disadvantage or advantage. Mercedes is top of Div 1 so therefore were rated as number 1. At the same time I did have Windsor v Pembroke as playing in the final before draw was done and this can still happen if both win their semis.
You would also think that Mercedes would want some revenge from last year. They have now lost their last 2 games in Div 1 so I guess this would be an advantage to Windsor as 2 weeks Mercedes were undefeated.

We will find out by next week who will play in the final.

Good luck to all

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:32 pm
by divineponytail
Nah bruz, good call, good call. Windsor definitely have thier work cut out for them and I'm sure they know this. Especially after playing teams that could probably be beaten with 2 players playing against them (not including the goalie). Unfortunately, this is what the league decided, most probably the most stupidest decision in the history of football...anyway, lets not open that can of worms again. There are so many worms in that can.

And yes, Mercedes will be after redemption....Shawshank style. I reckon WGOS are like Andy Dufrene and Mercs are like Brooks. Brooks was an all star Shawshank veteran but when the going got tough he hung himself in the halfway house. Andy Dufrane crawled through 4 football fields of shit and came out clean on the other I'm not saying WGOS crawl through shit, I'm saying that they used to be shit and have gone through a massive change at the club over the past 10 years to be one of the best teams in the entire CSL. Good luck to both teams....I'm not putting a score down, its going to be too close to call....possibly DuFrene on penalties or Brooks with a late sealer....its just too tough.

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:09 pm
by nobody
The big advantage Mercedes have is windsor will be missing their No 11, leaving a massive hole.This could be the deciding factor.

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:49 pm
by divineponytail
Totally agree Nobody, as highlighted in my previous post. Their number 11 could be the difference, its a pity he'll be picking the splinters out his ass all day. Mercedes should count themselves lucky.

Re: Cup Quarters

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:23 pm
by DP_
Does anyone know if there'll be a barbecue and/or bar at the semis? I'm thinking about making the trek out to Burton depending on the facilities!