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Re: Rd 2 - Cup - Real Madrid v Juventus

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:45 pm
by nobody
Thanks we will find out what is going on.

Re: Rd 2 - Cup - Real Madrid v Juventus

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:23 am
by chelsea
The purpose of this thread was to highlight the 2 clubs involved in this cup game. Both have a good history and have many good players.
Due to the unfortunate events surrounding this game the thread has gone down the wrong path.
Windsor have appealed the decision to the CSL and a hearing will take place next Monday night.
I believe that every club in Windsors position would of appealed and they have right to do so.

I have asked the moderator if I can delete or block this thread as there is no point continuing on and we must move on to the next game.

Rostrevor and WIndsor forum users should stop now on this thread and let the CSL Tribunal look into this game.

I am awaiting a reply from the moderator.