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Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:05 pm
by chelsea
2 rounds to go in 1A and it comes down to 2 teams. Both playing against each other this week.

Sacred Heart 39pts - Last game v Rostrevor Home
Grads Red 37 pts - Last game v Mercedes Home

The last time they met it was a close game. A narrow win to Sacred Heart. 3-2. A winner scored in the final minutes. Both of these sides deserve to be where they are. They have the right mixture of players to form good team. A reference was made in another thread that its the battle of the bad guys. Im sure this wasnt having a go at the clubs or palyers but a reference made to amount of yellow cards and red cards these teams have had throughout the year. Each team needs to have a couple of players that will put in those strong tackles. These tackles need to be fair but these players will not laways get their timing right. So i wouldnt say these teams are the bad boys but the ones that want the ball the most.

The interesting thing between these teams is the way they have traditionally started some games this year.
Grads Red are quick off the mark. Often have a lead at halftime. Often score early.
Sacred Heart start slow but have shown that they can come back from 2/3 nil down.

Sacred Heart need to get over the cup result quick and refocus. Grads Red had the break but this always doesnt assist some teams.

Both teams have it in their control to win the championship. If Sacred Heart can be level at halftime then they will win the game. Also the team that keeps their heads the longest. There are some interesting characters across the 2 teams.

Sacred Heart / Grads Red - Request Linespeople from League. Its a big game.

My Tip - Grads Red 2-1

Hopefully my thread is ok as the moderators have been getting excited today.

Good luck to both teams. Both are worthy winners.

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:28 pm
by cruie
I don't know why we've got jumpy mods this morning, chelski? Have some threads been deleted? We've been doing forecast-for-fun threads all season ... no need to get worried now?

Only SHOC can win it this week ... And if I was them I'd be going all out for that win (though they will also look on a draw as a good result for themselves, I think?).

But then Grads Red know they can't afford to lose this week - and a draw probably won't be much use to them either - so they'll definately be looking at this as a must-win game, I would imagine

Anyway, best of luck to both teams - Nice to see it come down to the last couple of games and the two-teams involved have to play each other so close to the end.

(and yeah - I would be asking for "assistant referees" if it was us ... better safe than sorry ...)

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:44 pm
by cruie
congratulations to SHOC on their Div1A title

Hope this week's game lived up to its billing and was a fitting finale between the top-2

Hard luck to Grads Red, but a great first season for them in D1A (after many had them relegated before pre-season finished) - Nice to see one of last year's promoted clubs do so well :)

Congrats also to Windsor, who sealed the Div2A title today. And the very best of luck to Westminster, who have had a really great season, when they go into Div1A next year (give 'em hell, lads!).

And more congrats, this time for Mercs on their Div 3 title.

With only the Div4 (Mercs and Pembroke tied on points ... Pembroke in the box-seat though) and Div1B titles still up for grabs, the season is almost done. So just one more barbie to fire up and around 128 beers left to drink (I'll manage one or other of those, on me own!) ;)

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:24 pm
by Ross30
As Cruie said, congratulations and well done to those teams which have sealed the title:

1A: Sacred Heart
2A: Windsor Gardens
2B: Westminster
3: Mercedes

Commiserations to Pulteney, whose relegation from division 1A is now confirmed. You guys should give Windsor a real run for their money in division 2A next year, assuming they don't unexpectedly expand to 2 teams and get promoted.

Will be good to see Westminster go up. Their A's and B's appear to both have had excellent seasons. They have decent pitches too.

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:14 am
by El Presidente
Congrats to SHOC for their Div 1A Title and going Back2Back - Obviously not an easy thing to do with so many quality sides in Div1, to only lose one game this season is a great effort. What was pleasing is that there are no easy games in Div1 which is they way it should be - Anyone can take points of anyone on the day if they lift their game.
As a club we are pleased that we could go toe to toe with SHOC until so deep in the season, unfortunately we missed out in the end but we enjoyed the journey and the new healthy rivarlies we have formed.
We look forward to next season, and congrats again to SHOC!

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:05 pm
by Graeme Jackson
Congrats to Sacred Heart. A great effort to get up and win after the disappointment of last week. Well deserved winners.

Another fine season in the CSL. The standard just seems to get higher and higher.

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:28 pm
by chelsea
Well done to the Sacred Heart Soccer Club. Great to go back to back. This hasnt happened too many times in the history of the CSL

Re: Round 17 1A - Mini Final

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:07 am
by Totalfootball
Congrats to SOHC, a great effort to go back to back, always a challenge to beat this team. Well done, the competition goes up another notch with the quality of players 2013 will be a very tough year.